
Testing Update


Newsletter June

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Over the past weeks, we have been putting our boat to the test. Having secured its yearly spot in Drimmelen, only a few meter sail away from the Amer, our boat has been undergoing rounds of tests, troubleshooting and in-water fixes. Upon much fixing and tuning, we sailed for the first time. Initially, powered only by our battery, and finally, powered by hydrogen. Reaching these milestones brought us closer to our goal of crossing the North Sea and set the stage for our latest achievement: our first flight!

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As for any engineering project, our testing phase has presented us with some challenges, and made us aware of both the capabilities and the limitations of our systems. The process of encountering issues, brainstorming, and implementing solutions has been quite rewarding and brought together our engineers from different departments.

Here is a snapshot of what we have achieved so far:

First Successful Sail

After fixing issues with the steering system by adding a shunt, we conducted our first sailing test with Anna. We navigated out of the harbour and onto the Amer, performing several manoeuvres. Despite initial challenges with the steering radius at low speeds, we managed successful 180-degree turns and completed our wet electric test requirements.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Tests

We officially conducted our first hydrogen wet test, producing water on the water. Initial tests revealed some safety and technical challenges, but we made significant progress in fine-tuning our fuel cell protocols and addressing sensor errors.

First Flight

After a morning of testing the roll and pitch capabilities of our foils and heightcontrol mechanism without taking flight, with a little bit of troubleshooting afterwards, we got ready to foil for the first time, in the afternoon. Around 17:00, our boat successfully lifted 60cm out of the water and soared above it at almost 50 km/h, demonstrating the potential of our design. Minimal tuning allowed for stable foiling, turning and landing. After several trials and a test of our emergency landing feature (which proved to out-do the pilots themselves, smoothtly and swiftly getting our hull back in the water), we concluded a day of successful foiling.

Celebrating this achievement, we enjoyed a BBQ, marking the occasion of our first successful foiling test with our hydrogen-powered foiling boat. The day’s efforts and results have set a promising foundation for our upcoming North Sea crossing!

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A major focus point of our Operations department is the organisation of our very last event of the year: the Bon Voyage. This event will happen on the 24th June, at Campus@Sea, in Scheveningen. During the Bon Voyage, we shall sail our boat in front of family, friends, partners and press, thereby demonstrating the capabilities of our boat and the strength of hydrogen. We will celebrate all our achievements, which will culminate in a hydrogen-powered foiling boat that is ready to cross the North Sea.

Ultimately, we will bid it a Bon Voyage!


While our boat is being tested in the water, a crew back in Delft works on the preparations for our North Sea crossing. Here are some highlights from the process:


Transporting the boat and our equipment back to the Netherlands involves numerous procedures and considerations. Our current plan is to use the Eurotunnel for most equipment, while the boat will be transported via ferry. We are also looking into how to get the whole team to-and-fro England. We have secured accommodation at all the stops in our journey, covering the entire weather window for our North Sea crossing.


We are continuously in contact with all legal entities to ensure that our crossing will follow all rules and regulations. Both the Dutch and British Coast Guards have given tentative approval for our crossing, and we are in close contact with the Port of London Authority for the possibility to sail on the Thames.


We have created a detailed emergency map, indicating which harbours to head to in case of emergencies.


Starting Monday, we will be moving our testing headquarters from Drimmelen to the Scheveningen Harbour! Here, our pilots will be sailing on real life North Sea conditions, in order to prepare them for the long crossing ahead. These final two weeks, we will be collecting data and making the last adjustments, ensuring optimal performance during our crossing, including the fine tuning of our height control to adapt to the North Sea waves.

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