Floor Verhoeven
Mail: floor.verhoeven@hydromotionteam.nl
LinkedIn: Floor Verhoeven
After wrapping up my Bachelor of System Engineering, Policy, and Management, I was seeking an exciting challenge that would contribute to accelerating the energy transition worldwide. From a very young age, I have harbored the ambition to make a difference in the world. The significance of sustainability in the maritime industry has grown over the years, presenting intriguing challenges that require solutions I am eager to be a part of. The Hydro Motion Team immediately got my attention because the project showcases the possibility of hydrogen use within the maritime sector. As an ambitious and driven team with diverse study backgrounds, I believe we have the opportunity to make an impact in the maritime industry and push the world towards a more sustainable future.
Within the team, I will take up the role of exposure coordinator. In this role, my mission is to translate the Hydro Motion Team’s vision to the world by combining my organizational- and creative skills to get as many individuals and companies involved in our project. I will oversee the planning and execution of our major events and will grow our social media presence to further expand our project. Together as a team, we can make the impossible possible by steering the maritime industry towards a more sustainable future.