Simon van Leent
Mail: simon.vanleent@hydromotionteam.nl
LinkedIn: Simon van Leent
After doing the first year of my master Hydraulic and Offshore Structures at the faculty of Civil Engineering, I decided I wanted to learn about and improve my management qualities. I decided to join the TU Delft Hydro Motion Team to experience working in an enthusiastic multidisciplinary team, gain more hands-on knowledge about engineering projects from start to finish, and be surrounded by other highly motivated students! The Hydro Motion Team combines my passion for water and boats and my interest in hydrogen as an energy carrier. As Project Manager I want to apply the knowledge I've gained from projects in and outside my study at a larger scale. I am looking forward to being part of this journey and can't wait to see what a team of students can accomplish in just one year. By doing this project, I also will learn to expand my technical knowledge whilst implementing and improving my soft skills. I will learn a lot and the experience I gain this year will last a lifetime.