1st of December, 2023

The New Hydro Motion Team
Last August, we had the honour of taking over the Hydro Motion Project, thereby becoming the 2024 Hydro Motion Team. We are a brand new team of 23 multidisciplinary students who are dedicating a full year towards designing, producing, testing and sailing a flying hydrogen-powered boat!
These last few months we have been very busy starting up with our team, setting our goals for this year, and designing our boat! We are currently nearing the end of our design phase, with production starting off in december. This is all to reach our scope:
“In one year, we will design, build and test a hydrogen-powered boat and sail between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom”
We started this year by revealing ourselves and our goals in the “Team & Scope Reveal” video, which you can watch here:
Design Process
Our design process involves three different stages: Top Level Concept, Sub Level Concept, and Detailed Design. We’re currently in the final Detailed Design phase, meaning that the finishing touches are being placed on the design of our boat. However, before reaching this phase, we first completed the top and sub level concept phases.
During the top level concept we determined the internal and external constraints of our design. We asked ourselves questions such as “In what conditions do we need to be able to foil?”, “What are the necessary measurements of our boat?” and “What will our propulsion system look like?”. Answering these questions, and many more, lead us to making the biggest decisions regarding the design of our boat. Following this phase we went more in depth, which also involved dividing our team’s engineers into three different departments:

Hull & Body – Responsible for the design and production of the hull, and internal architecture of the boat. Additionally, they design the hydrogen systems, ensure structural integrity in the boat, and manage the weight distribution of all systems.

Vehicle Dynamics – Ensures proper function of all moving parts in the boat. This department is responsible for the struts and foils, as well as the steering and cooling systems. The Vehicle Dynamics department sees to it that our boat will be able to fly above the water!

Embedded Systems – Takes charge in all electronic and technical systems. These engineers are involved in connecting all sensors and systems, and making sure they work together seamlessly. Beyond internal coordination of all systems, they also ensure effective communication between the boat, safety vessels, and the mainland.
Besides the engineering departments there is also the Operations Department; they are responsible for marketing and all communication to the outside world, and Management; who facilitate the team to be able to reach their goals. For a more in depth look into our different departments you can find the department reveals on our instagram page!

For the coming weeks we will be working on finishing our detailed design, preparing for production and working hard on all preparations for the Design Presentation. Do you know someone who is not yet receiving this newsletter but would like to? Send an email to or click on the link below. Via the link, you can enter an email address and will be asked to confirm via Mailchimp’s email. Feel free to send any comments or questions to